The Walls Treat Journal

Our supporting role here in New Zealand is; to raise finances for the surgeries, dental treatments and community development programmes, to recruit health care. maritime and general crew volunteers to provide these services, and to raise awareness of Mercy Ships in NZ

Saturday, 27 September 2014


A red-carpet Premiere honouring some true unsung heroes. I am soo excited about this extraordinary event.I am soo excited about this extraordinary event a group of post-grad uni students is working with us to host on October 9th. This totally impacting trailer is 4 minutes long and well worth the watch >>>

So, if you  are in Auckland on Thursday next week, you and your friends are invited to attend the FREE Premiere of The Surgery Ship. Medical people and uni students will be particularly interested in the angle taken in the documentary filmed on the ship in Guinea. The details and booking form are here>>>. We would love to see you there!

It is with immense heart-ache that we in Mercy Ships have been watching and praying as the Ebola virus had ravaged the nations we serve, and thrown the lives of many friends and their families into turmoil. Our hearts desperately want to be there to help, but prayerful risk assessment tells us that the presence of the hospital ship would be simply counterproductive in the situation where people flock to any hope of help. The Africa Mercy has very limited isolation facilities and the crew is not equipped to work in these kinds of conditions.

So what can we do? Mercy Ships is using our African channels of relationship to send desperately needed equipment and supplies into the affected areas. We’re praying, and we remain completely committed to serving the people of this region. But we are unable to make a return visit until the situation has stabilised. It is so very, very hard!

In a 12th-hour contingency, a prayerful course correction has Mercy Ships returning to serve the people of Madagascar, 18 years after the Anastasis’ visit. In early November the Africa Mercy will begin a seven-month field service on one of the world’s largest islands,  off Africa’s east coast. Unlike the Disney depiction, this nation of 22 million suffers under extreme poverty with over 90% of the population surviving on less than $NZ 2.50 per day.

I often lean into this verse these days; “Man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” Please pray with us for an end to the Ebola epidemic, and for the Lord to bless our work for the poorest of the Madagasky people.

On the home front, we are preparing to step into a new season as Daniel, our youngest, finished high school in a few weeks. Where did the years go? Chelsea’s nursing degree has been held up a little this semester as she has been gaining perspective from the other side of the hospital bed – she badly broke her ankle skateboarding. The empathy gained will certainly make her a better nurse, and she has been such a trooper ... but glad her cast will be off for the summer,

Graeme and I? Well, we have some VERY exciting plans for 2015, but that will have to wait for another time!

Thank you for your encouragement, financial support, and prayers as we serve the Kingdom through Mercy Ships.

Many blessings!

Graeme and Sharon

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Great to hear from you, thanks a million for your note!