I do miss Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere. Down Under we have the end of the academic year, summer vacations and Christmas all rolled into one and it does make life rather hectic in the midst of loving the summer sun. It can be a struggle to stay focused on the true meaning of the season, but our Christmas Eve and Christmas morning services at our local church are a fabulous part doing that for our family.
This year it was made all the more special by Graeme’s participation in a combined churches Christmas Cantata and a portion of the choir sang at our midnight service. The other very special event was that my older sister Rhona was over from Australia to spend the holidays with us.
A major mile-stone was reached by Chelsea in November as she wore her school uniform for the last time. She has applied to a few universities to begin her nursing degree in February, so we all wait with baited breath for her exam results in mid-January. We are very blessed that she can live at home while studying, which is a massive financial saving.
At 20, Jason is entering the 3rd of 4 years in a Communications/Business conjoint degree at AUT. He still loves working part-time with his clients with intellectual disabilities, and he has also been Disabilities Representative on the student board at his uni. He does come home with some funny stories!
Daniel also had a major “first” – his initial national exam. He heads into Year 11 this year, with 2 more years at high school before him. At 16 he is now the tallest man in the family, and at the rate he’s eating and sleeping we expect him to follow in the footsteps of both his Grandfathers and Uncles, and top 6 foot before he’s done.
Graeme’s and my event of greatest significance this year was entering our 30th year in missions. We both joined Mercy Ships in 1983 (I then had 6 years in YWAM before we met onboard the Anastasis in 1990). It has definitely been food for thought and reflection. Our conclusion ....
We feel incredibly privileged to be still serving in this mission to change the lives of the world’s poorest and most forgotten, for Jesus.
We are pretty flabbergasted as we call to mind all the dear friends who have and still financially support us as we trust the Lord to provide all we need to continue His work. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
It was rather a shock for this to be acknowledged a bit publicly recently. All glory to Jesus! http://mercyships.org.nz/assets/files/Central%20Leader%2019Dec12.pdf It has been commented that the placement of this article next to a Wanted poster was not an accident! (Thanks to The Central Leader)
Oh and here's that free link to download Don Stephen’s book “Ships of Mercy” http://www.mercyships.org.nz/ships-of-mercy.php Please bear in mind it was written with reaching a wide, general audience in mind with this remarkable story. We trust you are inspired.
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Great to hear from you, thanks a million for your note!