The Walls Treat Journal

Our supporting role here in New Zealand is; to raise finances for the surgeries, dental treatments and community development programmes, to recruit health care. maritime and general crew volunteers to provide these services, and to raise awareness of Mercy Ships in NZ

Friday, 20 April 2012

Celebrating Sight

Yesterday on the dock beside the Africa Mercy in Togo, there was a Celebration of Sight. Patients who recently had cateract sugery with LAG laser treatment returned to the ship for a final check up. These men, women and children had received a mircale - their world of darkness was no longer! The
festivity is always in fabulous African style - the compelling beat of African drums inspiring dancing and clapping; an outpouring of joy over a changed life and a new future!

Globally, one person goes blind every five seconds—and one child loses his or her sight every minute. Of the 45 million blind people in the world today, almost half of them could receive their sight through a short cateract operation.

Our Chief Medical officer poignantly observed that every time a person's sight is restored, at least 2 people's lives are freed; the person who was blind, and the person who needed to lead them 24/7. (The nations we serve have no disability accesses, ammenities, or welfare benefits. The sightless are completely dependent).

 "The lame walk, the blind see, and the gospel is preached to the poor'.

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Great to hear from you, thanks a million for your note!